Who’s that Masked Man?

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Ok.  Cut the BS right now. Wear a mask.

Stop complaining that it’s an infringement on your liberty.  Almost all of those claiming this hypocritical excuse are folks who feel more patriotic than folks like me.  BS!

It’s patriotic to wear your mask.  We are at war.  Not with the Russians, not with the Iranians, and not with North Korea.  (OK, we are- but they are not party to this war.)  This virus, SARS-CoV-2, is attacking the citizens of America- and the world, while we are at it.

And, despite certain claims by buffoons, SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t attack  just the old- but every one of us.  Sure, the old may DIE more frequently.  But, the young- even the ones that were claimed to be asymptomatic (only in the fact that their temperatures didn’t spike or they didn’t have respiratory issues) have been reporting a condition that we used to make fun of- chronic fatigue syndrome.  Some of them have fuzzy memories.  (Well, to my point of view, if you won’t wear a mask, you already have fuzzy thought processes, so maybe those folks won’t realize their memories are weakened.)

Enough of imploring you to wear a mask to protect your fellow citizens. How about for YOUR self-preservation.  The data is in.

Airplane travel(This is anecdotal. Even the authors, Drs. David Freedman and Annalies Wilder-Smith, state unequivocally in their introduction that “The absence of large numbers of published in-flight transmissions of SARS-CoV-2 is not definitive evidence of InFlight Transmission of COVID-19safety.” )   When everyone wears a mask on a plane, those other folks traveling on the flight have not reported COVID-19 within the quarantine period.  When folks don’t wear masks, several other passengers have manifested COVID-19.

Kansas: When Governor Laura Kelly mandated mask use, the GOP opposition (to science, as well as to a Democratic governor)  allowed some 80 counties to pass rules overruling her emergency order.  This meant Kansas Mask Studythat 21 counties in Kentucky were the ones who elected to comply with the order; to  demand their citizens wear a mask.  And, now that Kansas is one of the hot spots, any Tom, Dick, or Sally can see that not wearing a mask simply means you are far more likely to succumb to COVID-19.  Twice as likely as you can see from the accompanying graph.

Tennessee:  Vanderbilt University just studied hospital admissions in Tennessee.  And, not surprising- to those who still use science- folks who donned Tennesee Hospitalizataions due to no masksmasks were unlikely to be admitted to the hospital because of COVID-19 infection.  Those not wearing masks- the results matched what is going on in North Dakota now. (If North Dakota were a country, it would be the leading hot spot in the world.)

Masks Protect
source: Delphi CovidCast, Carnegie Mellon University https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/10/23/pandemic-data-chart-masks/

So, wear a mask.  As this above graph shows.  Wearing a mask – and washing your hands- are the best solutions right now to stop COVID-19.

Besides- tomorrow is Halloween. Get in costume now- and stay that way until at least March 2021.

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12 thoughts on “Who’s that Masked Man?”

  1. Kansas is an interesting natural study because of some counties requiring masks but others not requiring. And is it any surprise where in Kansas the virus is spiking? I am a believer in masks. The science is obvious. Even if NY didn’t require mask wearing in any indoor public spaces, and also outdoors if social distance can’t be kept, I would still be doing it.
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  2. My daughter works at Costco in Manassas VA and her job at the door is to tell people a mask is mandatory. Some comply others get very hostile. They had to take her upstairs under guard because some jerk threatened to do her harm. Over not wanting to wear a mask!
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  3. I keep a half doz. masks in the glove compartment of my car and hand them out to people that might want to talk to be but are not wearing a mask. No mask then stay way far away from me. Here in Mexico, there are little stands selling masks every couple of miles so there is no reason to be without one, yet still about 25% don’t wear on (Unless they are traveling on Public transportation, then they pull out the mask because you can’t get on a bus without one and the fine is pretty high so the bus drivers make sure everyone has one on.
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