An Assault on Our Democracy

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6 January 2021 was not an unprecedented assault on the American Democracy- despite the words of those who so claim.  After all, that is what the American Civil War was.  But, this was the second instance,  perhaps as grave a breach as the Civil War.

It Can't Happen Here (SInclair Lewis)

Growing up, I had to read Sinclair Lewis’ “It Can’t Happen Here”.  Yet, my entire life, I always worried that it could.  We had inklings with the terrorist right wing groups that obtained in the West and the South (think Timothy McVeigh).  But, it took TheDonald and his minions to clearly demonstrate the how and why.

In my younger days, I worried about the inability of Black citizens in the South to vote.  I worried about the excesses of Lyndon Baines Johnson, until Tricky Dick  (Richard Milhous Nixon; did you ever notice – until TheDonald- how the nefarious and the criminal in America always are announced with their names complete- first/middle/last?) arrived on the scene.

But, now, I can better understand how my compatriots didn’t respond as I thought they should when Adolf Hitler was rising to power.  How they couldn’t believe it would come to what it did.  (Notice:  Despite the myths- a frog placed in increasing temperature water doesn’t stay- it jumps out!)

Oklahoma City Bombing- Timothy McVeigh

But, on 6 January, there were no outside invaders.  It was part of the body (im)politic of America.   It was thousands of Timothy McVeighs leading the assault on the People’s House.  America’s own home grown terrorists.

Despite the BS spewed by folks – after the riots- like Senator (sic) Ron Johnson that the folks stayed within the roped boundaries and were just ordinary tourists;  that Johnson  “never really felt threatened”, that these  were “people that love this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break a law”- these were armed insurrectionists.

But, here’s was Johnson said at the exact moments of the insurrection…

What Ron Johnson really said

(Just as an aside, when my generation demonstrated in Chicago- where we had permits that the criminal mayor of Chicago (Richard Daley) revoked at the last minute- the only weaponized folks were the cops.  It was we who were attacked. As the police were attacked by TheDonald’s minions on the 6th of January.)

To be honest, I am amazed that a year later, some 70% of Republicans still believe the lie that TheDonald won the election.  And, ½ believe there was no insurrection, no riots at the halls of Congress. This is the same party of fools who believed we- back in the late 60s- were leading a riot in Chicago, when it was really the police.

As evidence of the misguidedness of these folks, here is yet another choice quote, from Jim Jordan, who now extols rather than condemns these rioters.

Jim Jordan on 6 Jan 2021There’s a host of bad actors (as shown by the Washington Post.)  (I added this after my post first appeared.)

Who;s Who of the Insurrection

We have to update the quote from George Santayana…

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

In today’s day and age, it’s “those who refuse to remember the past as it was are condemned to repeat it”.

Oh, and do not, for one moment, consider the insurrection terminated.  Because this assault on our voting rights with some 50 bills passed in 20 states or so is part and parcel of that same concept- to render a democracy unable to function.  No different than what Adolph Hitler did, no different from what China is doing to Hong Kong, no different from what Putin effects in Russia…

On this anniversary of the outward manifestation of that rebellion, we should take the time to see what happened for ourselves.  To realize it for what it was and is.



It’s tax season.  Did you yet obtain a copy of the book (Kindle, paperback, or hardcover editions available)  that will help you pay the lowest amount of taxes required by law?

2021 Income Taxes

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12 thoughts on “An Assault on Our Democracy”

  1. Realism is everything. Many people are optimists and others are pessimists… I am a realist. I see how things are – bad or good. I don’t see bad as good or good as bad. For some reason, I feel like this is fitting for your post. Thanks for the insight!
    Marcie recently posted..How Many Dogs Is Too Many?

  2. Reading this gets my blood pressure up early in the morning! I have had to stop watching the news because I was getting so angry. This is evidence that gaslighting works — you repeat a lie that is obviously a lie often enough, some portion of the population will start to believe. Obviously, they were primed for that belief but it’s scary. And our government is not moving fast enough to counteract…

    I said I wasn’t going to get my BP up this morning…
    Dominique recently posted..Slow Cooker Chicken & Vegetable Stew

  3. I listened to President Biden’s speech this morning. Too little, too late? The R’s condemned Jan 6 on January 6 and then realized how they could use it to their advantage, and that’s where we are. Our Founding Fathers, I fear, never foresaw or put effective safeguards in for a circumstance where an entire major political party would decide to overthrow democracy for their own gain. And Congress seems paralyzed to act (ie. voting rights). Yes, now we understand better what happened in Germany as the Nazis grew and gained power, because we are behaving the same way.
    Alana recently posted..Can’t Let Summer Go Cuttings

  4. It doesn’t seem like it’s already been a year, will things ever change? Maybe not in my lifetime but I hope in the future!

  5. Thanks for the link to that article! I am going to read it right after posting this comment and tweeting your post. I agree with everything you have said, and find it alarming that people can so easily dismiss the truth when they can see it with their own eyes.

  6. I was surprised there wasn’t a rally organized in my city. So a few of us organized our own. “Democracy is a participatory process.” I will report on it on tomorrow’s blog.

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