Terror Attack Response

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Here’s a question that routinely vexes me.

Am I an American Jew?  Or a Jewish American?

It’s weeks like this past one that pushes me towards a routinely different answer.  (I normally can use the flip of the coin to make that choice.)  But, after the terror attack by Hamas last week, I know that I am an American Jew.

But, here’s another fact.  Every Jewish person is now a witness, a victim, and a mourner.  This act of terror by Hamas- one with extensive planning- was nothing but a pogrom,   It was not an act of self-expression, it was not an act of revolt, it was pure murder and mayhem..

Maybe now is a good time to make clear that Palestinians are not my enemy.  (I was  honored to be included with Yitzchak Rabin’s  plans to develop a series of factories and high tech entities along the ‘green .  That plan,  unfortunately,  died with the murder of the Prime Minister by a WrongWing Orthodox Jew on the 12th of Cheshvan (4 November 1995.)

I am a firm believer in a two state solution.  Which means that I await the free elections that have been withheld in the West Bank and Gaza; ones that are long overdue.  Because Hamas is not a legal leader for the residents of Gaza and Abu Mazen is really no different when it comes to the West Bank.

Hamas, Hezbollah, Ayatollah

But, back to the issue at hand. Hamas, Hezbolla, the Ayatola- they are valid nemeses.

I believe I have been epigenetically imprinted, to my detriment (but hopefully not for my children) by episodes of anti-Semitism. Back when I was a tyke, the Cautiaux and the Barbers would routinely vandalize our house (breaking bay windows, among other assaults), beat me and my brother up, and scream epithets.   It kind of felt like a continuation of Kristallnacht.

My synagogues have been the subject of attacks- mostly from American Nazis or Wrong Wing Christians.  But, there was a spell of attacks from a local mosque, as well.  (I had a business partner that was a member of that mosque- we were supplying custom made computers to West Bank entities.  We continued the program for about three years.)

Moronic Hamas Apologists

To be honest, I am fed up with those folks who are willing to sidestep the terror acts of Hamas this past week.  Killing babies (and beheading them), burning folks alive, attacking kids attending a peace-loving rave and kidnapping them are not protests.  Moreover, these misguided folks conveniently forget that the charter of Hamas is to kill Jews and Israelis.

Hamas kills babies and kids

And, now that we know that the terrorists had maps of military bases, moshavs and kibutzim contiguous to Gaza, the convenient fiction that it was the ultraorthodox Jews visit to the Temple Mount (where the Al Aksa mosque is located) cannot hold water.  It took months (if not years) to develop those maps.  Not just one day after the visit.

Or to proclaim it’s the Jews that are oppressing the residents of the Gaza.  When there is nary a Jew in that sector.   And, the billions of funds Arab nations provide Gaza to promote the lives of the residents is always diverted to bomb-making  and building concrete bunkers- with not a cent for the schools or infrastructure of the residents- that’s also glossed over by these folks.

Yeah, Gaza is in bad shape because of the Jews.   Sorry, there’s not enough wine in the world to get me that drunk.

Another lesson for the world.  We Jews- those in Israel and those in the diaspora (mostly in the USA, though)  have been protesting the actions Netanyahu in his desecration of the rule of the Israeli Supreme Court,) promise dthat reservists won’t show up unless these new rules are repealed…

No, when Hamas effected its terror attacks, the reservists showed up.  Oversubscribing the call to action to respond to those murders.  Instead of 300,000 reservists showing up, the tally exceeds 360,000! With a unity government between political enemies (Benny Gantz and Netanyahu) that  was formed to lead Israel forward.

(It is possible that the schism affected Mosad/Shin Bet where was a faction loyal to the Far Right (Netanyahu et al) and a faction to maintain the judicial system that afforded the Hamas sneak attack purchase.  We won’t know that until later- because right now, we must respond and protect Israel.  And, you can bet that Netanyahu may have finally allowed us a way to dismiss him.  After all, his big promise was to keep Israeli citizens safe.)

I do regret- as do most of Israelis- the injuries and deaths that will befall those residents of Gaza.  Because their government considers them fodder for their cause, and not lives worth saving.

I do hope that Israel doesn’t overshoot the mark in this war to destroy Hamas.  Unfortunately, it is easy to fall prey to that condition (consider the US post 9-11). I am adding that wish to my daily prayers.

Oh, and today is the first day of the new month of Cheshvan- the month of Noah’s Flood.

An offer of assistance to the high tech firms of Israel.  Recognizing that much of your talent are now part of the reservists callup, I offer my services – AT NÔ CHARGE- to help with the design, development, and implementation of your technology.   You can check my bio (and my Who’s Who in the World information) to see this is viable offer.  Feel free to contact me.

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10 thoughts on “Terror Attack Response”

  1. It is inspiring that you offer your talents and skills to help. I also appreciate this post for helping to educate me on things I am woefully uneducated, and I am sorry for that. I have tremendous respect and love for Jewish people and the faith so readily exhibited by traditions that are still alive today after so much time. My reading of the Bible from cover to cover helped me discover a respect and understanding that I hadn’t had before. I wish everyone could gain some of the belief the God has in Israel, as is so demonstrated over and over again in the Old Testament. Thank you for your post and continuing my education.

  2. Very interesting to read your perspective, Ray. I didn’t know that you (must have) lived in Israel at some point. Or was your planned collaboration with Mr Rabin supposed to happen remotely?
    I hope your offer to help now will be accepted. My 20 yo nephew is on active duty, he works in aircraft maintenance.
    Question: Mossad is usually very diligent, why did they not foresee the Hamas attack?

    1. I don’t have all the information, Tamara, but it seems that the political shenanigans between Netanyahu and the rest of Israel afforded the schism in Shin Bet/Mossad, where neither side shared their itnelligence persenctive.

  3. When this news broke last week, my first thought was you and your Jewish family. I have been praying special prayers for Israel and am sickened about the slaughter of everyone especially the babies! I am concerned about the students from the colleges in the US protesting, saying all the murders are staged or Israel is lying. These students are the next generations of leaders? Sad, so very sad. Prayers for Israel.

  4. There’s been so much to process An in-law cousin who was supposed to travel to Israel several days ago and she’s devastated. One of her dreams was to live there eventually. All the public anti-Semitism on campus now out in the open for us to witness. And now, the hospital bombing (at this time what and who caused it is not known). I am not an observant Jew but I am Jewish nevertheless.

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