Goodbye, Forever Chemicals

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Last December, we discussed a class of compounds that is threatening the health and welfare of my Americans. (Forever Chemicals)  These chemicals, termed PFAS, are perfluoroalkyl and/or polyfluoroalkyl compounds.   Developed in the 1940’s, they have made it possible for us to have non-stick cookware, waterproof jackets, and the like.

The problem is that our current water treatment processes do absolutely nothing to eradicate these compounds.  So the compounds persist in our drinking water- which means they persist in us.   (These compounds are known to promote cancers and to create reproductive issues.) And, our government is making noises, but not a lot of action in eradicating these compounds from our environment.


A new entity, Puraffinity (London, UK), claims to have an answer to this problem.  The firm was founded by Henrik Hagemann (Masters, ChemE) and Gabi Santosi (BS Chemistry).  They have modified aluminum granules, by coating them with compounds that bind PFAS compounds.  The granules are loaded into beds, and then water is flushed through the beds. Once the PFAS binds with the compounds, the granules appear to be fine, white crystals.   Data indicates that the treatment will provide water that meets the new US EPA regulations.

Once spent, the granules can be regenerated by passing a “regeneration fluid’ through the cannisters.  Then, the PFAS that is then liberated can be chemically destroyed.  Moreover, the granules can be reused.

Puraffinity gets Innovate UK grant

Right now, only 5 tons of absorbent materials can be produced a year.  Puraffinity hopes to scale production up to 250 tons a year by the end of 2024, which will enable commercial sales.

Let’s hope they get there bigger and faster.


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