When growth makes you careless

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So, another go-go firm has lost it’s way.

Adizes go-go definition

It doesn’t have to be that way, but given the characteristics of this corporate stage, if leadership doesn’t stay on top of the game, it’s almost inevitable.

That’s exactly what happened to Care With Love.

Founder trap failure of go-go firm

This home health care agency  (Care With Love) just celebrated  it’s 8th birthday.  And it seems that Nefr Michaels (Founder) let her attention slip.  With its rapid growth, the firm chose an inept staff scheduler and let its customer focus slip.

Sure, they may have 250 or so staff members (all of whom are employees and not contractors), but even though they are not gig staff (independent contractors)- the vast majority of their staff are not full time, but pick up a client or a shift at random.  And, as is true for many firms,  employee availability doesn’t always mirror the times of staffing needs.

So when scheduling feels, when tasked to schedule a home health nurse to a patient on Friday (which heretofore was timed for the early morning), it can unilaterally send staff to the client’s home at the dinner hour- without clearing it with the patient- you  can see a developing problem.  Especially if that patient celebrates the Sabbath, with its elaborate Friday night rituals.

Or, if a patient is due a visit on Tuesday morning (which heretofore was the routine for  a year or more), the scheduler cannot unilaterally elect to schedule that visit for Wednesday- without once conferring with the patient.  (It turns out the patient won’t even be homeon that day, to boot.)

Or, instead of keeping the same nurse assignment, different folks come and go, some of whom have never read the physician instructions for the patient’s care.  Or, the nurse has no familiarity with the patient’s trauma and the degree of care necessitated. Or, how to apply the specialized wound care.

Being the Best to Part of the Mess

It should be obvious to anyone (except clearly not to Ms. Nefr Michaels, who lost her focus on her enterprise), that these will lead  a home health care agency to topple from being the best to being part of the mess.

Home Health Care Agency Failures

Yes , Nefr, you’ve managed to check off each of these disqualifications listed above!  That’s succumbing to the chaos, instead of reigning it in and powering forward.

Csre With Love

There’s still time.  You can turn it around before your corporate reputation is permanently marred.

Are you up for it? NOW?????

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10 thoughts on “When growth makes you careless”

  1. Good stuff to know, I am still in the courtship stage with my educational nonprofit. I will bookmark this and keep an eye out for the upcoming stages, particularly the go-go stage. Thank you for sharing. Jaime

  2. I looked at their website and it’s interesting – two co owners, one with out any bio (what’s his role and experience?) and one who was an HR manager – but what was her experience in health care/elder care, etc.? I must have missed something – but maybe not. They seem interested in selling franchises, certainly. I have a feeling you have personal experience with their “care” and these services are so badly needed. Done well, anyway.

  3. An airplane pilot and trainer told his students they would have to learn from the mistakes of others because they would not live long enough to make them all themselves, 😉

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