MIssing in Action

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Dear Readers:

I want to apologize for my failure to post these past few days.

Unfortunately, while celebrating the Pesach seders, my body decided that the minor ailment I’d been accommodating for the previous two weeks was no longer going to be an intermittent pain-in-the-ass.

And, late Saturday evening, I went to the emergency room and, from there, was “awarded” my own room in the hospital.  (Trust me, that was not an award I wanted to win!)

I was simply too drained to even review the queue and the posts.

Hopefully, there won’t be a repeat performance for a long while.

Hoping you all had a great holiday season, I look forward to our continued conversations.

Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.

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16 thoughts on “MIssing in Action”

  1. I’m sorry you are down. Hopefully you can get back on your feet again soon.
    We’ve had a severe bug raging through our family, and between caring for everyone and me also getting knocked down, I also have not kept up.
    We can try again next time, no worries!

    Have a good day!
    Ridge Haven Homestead

  2. I’m sorry to hear you had to be hospitalized, Roy. I was wondering where you’ve been, as there were no new posts.
    Are you feeling all better now?

  3. I’m sorry to hear that, Roy. I know a hospital bed is nowhere anyone wants to spend time in. I hope you are home and in your own familiar space, that you are feeling better, and that you take the time you need to recover from whatever it is.

  4. Roy, I was wondering if you were OK. Also, I have been wondering if you cannot see my comments or my sharing to FB & TW? I am happy you feel better now! Your thoughtful contributions have been missed.

  5. You have been missed Roy! I’m sorry to hear you ended up in the hospital, I thought you were just busy with clients and their taxes! You need to slow down and rest now! Glad to see you popping in! Hugs from Lia and me.

  6. Roy ,it’s amazing that you posted an update while in hospital.I hope you get better soon.I am failing to manage daily blogging on a massive scale .It’s back to school for us and procrastination is making writing even more difficult.

  7. Like Martha, I figured it was tax season that took you away from the UBC and us… Hope you are back to normal soon and providing us those posts that only you can!

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