Art for Us

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OK, you know I love art. I have written about my collection often.

Since I was introduced to owning art- now going back more than half a century- I have only purchased art that moves me. Whether it was places- the Wailing Wall (now called the Western Wall) and the Brooklyn Bridge come to mind; faces and emotion (Moshe Gur’s dramatic painting of Ethiopian refugees and Nikki Imber’s Jewish refugees and redemption come to mind); or abstruse (Agam is a great example), I choose what I love.

Art Deco at the Source- Erte

Now, meeting Erte, Dali, Agam, Max, Glenn, Imber, Egbi, etc- they were mesmerizing moments. And, those chance encounters augment the value of their art to me.

Nicky Imber Rebirth

I’ve also bought art for my children and brother. (Don’t worry, my children will take possession of my art collection- when I go, of course.) I wanted them to adorn their walls with depictions that would move their hearts. Beach scenes, Justice, even foolish depictions of famous folks on the Paris Metro… And, several of those pieces now command significant coin.

Dali- WesternWallTo purchase pieces by famous artists (Erte, Peter Max, Agam, Dali, etc.) mean you need deep pockets. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do that (after all, would that not be the pot calling the kettle black?). But, if your budget is limited (that means you don’t have $ 25K or so to spend right now), and you want great art- you should seek out up and coming artists.

That is what I have explained to many of our clients; especially as they join me for Shabat or holiday dinners. (I did say that my clients are my friends, right?) Because a good portion of them want(ed) to start their own art collection, too.

Maybe you do, too?

Artists Sunday

Well, you have an opportunity coming up. The 28th of November is Artists Sunday. A slew  (ok, thousands is more accurate) of artists and nonprofits are going to be participating. It’s a way to find artists from around the globe that produce art that speaks to your heart.

As far as I know, some soon-to-be famous artists like Christine Zmuda and Lisa Brandel will be participating. Maybe even Regina Miele. But, there are plenty of other choices there.

Adorn your walls, your mantelpiece, your apartment, your home. Or find a great gift for others.

But, above all, enjoy it.

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6 thoughts on “Art for Us”

  1. I certainly enjoy what I have – you could call it eclectic -Native American (from when I lived in Wichita, Kansas) and photographic prints I picked up on art trails or craft fairs so I’m guessing I’m in a way different league than you are. Maybe the constant is that many of these works have birds in there and all spoke to me in some way. I’m a low budget person so I’m sure no famous artists in there but I never collected art for wealth appreciation. I did enjoy the glimpse into your world.
    Alana recently posted..Colorful November Food #WordlessWednesday

  2. I am like Alana, low budget but most of my art is in the form of Angels. They aren’t worth anything except to me because many have been passed down time or were gifts but will be passed down when I’m gone, hoping that Lia will continue to enjoy them.
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