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I waited a respectable amount of time.

It seems that the 147 Congressfolks and the 8 Senators who felt compelled to repeat the lies of TheDonald may have skirted the proper Capitol response.  (That response is to refuse to seat these folks for their actions.)  But, that doesn’t mean they are skating free of repercussions.

The 8 Senators who rejected the legally constituted Electoral College Votes- some of whom also aided and abetted the riots egged on by TheDonald and Rudy Guiliani- seem to have lost their financial backers.

Corporate Funds to Vigilante Congressfolk

Immediately after the vote, about 20 corporate entities removed these Senators from their corporate largesse distributions.  These are not fly-by-night entities; we’re talking WalMart, Verizon, Dow, Comcast, Nike, AT&T, and Marriott. 10 more are considering their future actions, as well.

True, these folks are theoretically limited to $ 5K per candidate, so it may not these traitors hurt much.  Except that its not just money- it’s visibility, the publicity the company affords the candidate at various events during the year.  Not to mention that this action may lead many more companies to chime in with their agreement.

Which brings up the Chamber of Commerce, the NRA (National Rifle Association), and those myriad of entities controlled by the Koch brothers- who have also promised to withhold funds for all candidates until they sort out the mess of 6 January.

Or the fact that Shelly Adelson, one of the benefactors of many a GOP candidate has passed.  So, his money and backing will no longer be readily available.

But, the key point is that this is not how corporations used to act.  No, I don’t think it’s related to their purported shift to be more inclusive dealing with stakeholders and not just their shareholders.  It is, however,  directly related to the fact that businesses like the stability that government provides- even if that stability means government doesn’t pass a bunch of laws.  Because that stability means that companies know what to expect, how to plan their actions for the future- knowing that radical change won’t be affecting them.

But, allowing (ok, abetting) an angry bunch of White Nationalists to invade the Capitol, to attempt to hang the Vice President, detain Senators and Congressfolks (akin to what was tried in Michigan earlier this year upon Governor Gretchen Whitmer and almost tried in Virginia upon Governor Ralph Northam)- that’s not stability.  That’s anarchy.

And, that’s why these 157 folks are privately wondering if the cost was worth their party favor.  (Of course, that’s all but Josh Hawley, who despite losing the backing of many of the party elite in Missouri is holding firm in his chicanery.)

Changes come.  Albeit slowly.

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