82 years ago- or was that 2 years ago- or a week ago?

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You have to love the exquisite lengths Hitler went through to destroy Jewish life.

Final Selection, Auschwitz

The “Final Solution” was approved on Tisha B’Av (2 August 1941).  The idea that Jews should be mass-slaughtered across Europe was to begin on the saddest day on the Jewish calendar.  The day the Great Temple was destroyed- twice (587 BCE and 70 CE).  The Bar Kochva revolt was crushed (135 CE).  The first Crusade (yeah, I know y’all thought it was to fight the Islamic control of Jerusalem- but wiping out 10,000 Jews before they even left Europe was among their goals [1096 CE]). The expulsion of Jews from France [1306], England [1290] and Spain [1492].


But, tonight- 82 years ago- the Germans authorized the destruction of Jewish property- homes, businesses, synagogues in what has been termed Kristallnacht [the night of the broken glass].  Predating the Final Solution, it was aimed at convincing the Jews to leave Germany, Austria, and the Sudentenland.


And, what did the German and Austrian populations do?  They added in to the destruction, they watched and did nothing.  Not a peep from them.


Kind of like how some 70 million Americans acted on the 3rd of November.  Despite all the racial animosity (good people on both sides???), dog whistles to militias and hate groups (Stand back and stand by), his failure to adhere to rules (the Hatch Act, using the White House for political purposes, violation of the emoluments clause- even billing the Secret Service for bottles of water as they pay their way at his resorts [to which he absconds routinely- does anyone remember when he said he would never golf as often as Obama (maybe he meant not well))…

Yes, it’s very scary to folks like me who worry about despots and autocrats who destroy their civilization’s minorities while the majority either eggs the actions on or puts on blinders.

Never again?

What an empty promise from at least 70 million Americans.

2020 Trump Voting Patterns

(By the way, Biden won with the largest vote ever ONLY because of the throngs of young folks- those unable to vote in 2016- who pulled the lever for decency and integrity in our government and country.  TheDonald got the vote fo 52% of White America and some 60% of White Men; 40% of the Hispanic vote [which is not monolithic with Venezualan, Cuban, Mexican, Central American, and other components]; 22% of Jewish folks [almost all Orthodox men- shame on them in particular].)

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2 thoughts on “82 years ago- or was that 2 years ago- or a week ago?”

  1. My Mom passed away just after midnight on November 10 (and was ailing the evening of November 9) 1965, during the Northeast blackout. I have always tied her death to Kristallnacht. Too many of our remaining survivors now have passed thanks to COVID-19 and we are doing a poor job of educating our youth. On the other hand, I grew up among Holocaust survivors. My best friend’s parents were both Holocaust survivors. But I do know several Jews who voted for Trump because they felt he was a lot more pro-Israel than Biden. Sadly, I was not surprised to see how many people overall voted for Trump (I didn’t believe the polls for a minute – fool me once, etc.) It’s scary.
    Alana recently posted..Farewell to Alex

    1. Very scary. I forgot the date of the Northeast Blackout- when Big Allis’ failure took down the entire northeastern US electric grid. I fear a repeat performance, since we have not upgraded our infrastructure in decades- and it is a prime target for sinister forces in Russia, China, and Iran (and I’m sure countless others).
      Thanks for the shivers.

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