Dear Democratic Presidential Candidate

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An Open Letter to the 21  (at least for now)Democratic Candidates:

Democratic Presidential Hopefuls

Not surprisingly, Mitch McConnell and the GOP members of the Senate have designs to make life difficult for the six Democratic Senators. Instead of legitimately dealing with the bribery attempt made by President Donald Trump (assuming the House of Representatives does vote to impeach the President), McConnell et. al.  think it is better to try to ruin the Democratic Primary Process.

Their plan? Extend and delay the impeachment trial. That would make it very difficult for the Senators to spend time in Iowa to generate interest and garner votes for the caucus. As well as to canvas in New Hampshire for the first primary of the season.

I am not trying to prejudge anyone in this process, but the GOP has made their intentions pretty clear. An impeachment is a difficult and fraught process- and if Donald Trump is indicted, a cogent and diligent analysis of the situation must be made. And, that is more important- at least right now- than the efforts of these six Senators to garner the Democratic Party nomination. After all, this is a constitutional responsibility.

2020 Democratic Party Nominations

I, personally, have not made a decision which candidate I would prefer. I routinely vacillate between two or three of the pack currently attempting to secure the nomination. This should make it clear that I am not attempting this request to benefit any given candidate- or group of candidates.

As such, I am imploring the entire cadre of folks vying for the nomination to make a pledge to one another and to the citizens of the United States. To promise to not try to capitalize on the absence of these six Senators from the day-to-day participation in the electoral process. And, for the six Senators to work out a schedule where on any given day of a potential trail of the President, at least five of them will be present on the Senate floor. Arranging for one of them to have the opportunity to visit the folks in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Because our country needs a fair and balanced nomination process.

Because the President needs a fair and balanced trial, should one result from the House investigatory process.Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.

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2 thoughts on “Dear Democratic Presidential Candidate”

  1. Amen, and I will reveal my own prayer, that the Democrats don’t turn primary season into a circular firing squad. Taking back the Senate, winning the Presidency, and keeping the House are top priorities. Democrats must be 110% United.

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