Keep on Truckin’

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This week, we Jewish folks, read the portion of the Tora called “Shlach” (“Send”). An amazing story about sending 12 spies; leaders from each of the 12 tribes to discern the beauty and capabilities of “the Promised Land”, the Land of Israel.

12 Spies

But, first, a little bit of history, to put this into context.

This band of Jews, who were slaves less than 400 days ago, folks whose lives and actions were dictated by the Pharaoh, had the chance to see- first hand- the power of the Supreme Being. Let’s see- the 10 plagues that affected the Egyptians, but spared the Jews. Not to mention that the plague of darkness let the Jews traipse through the Egyptian homes to discern what treasures should be theirs as compensation for the more than 250 years of slavery performed. (And, right after the killing of the first born (humans and animals), when the Jews were given permission to leave, these folks asked their Egyptian “neighbors” for just those items.)

Not to mention, after a 3 day’s journey,being harassed by Egyptian chariots on the warpath. To be saved as the Sea of Reeds experiences its 70 year cycle of heavy winds and low tides, affording a land bridge to manifest itself and afford safe crossing to the other side.

Which immediately ends as the Egyptians feel emboldened to take that same path- only to be submerged, drowned, as their chariot wheels are enveloped by mud and muck.

Mount Sinai

And, then…(this still brings chills to my spine)- to be encamped by the side of the mountain. To hear- and SEE- the voice of Hashem. As Hashem etches the 10 commandments for Moshe (Moses) to bring down and provide the morality code (the first of 613 such rules) by which these folks are expected to live.

Not to mention running out of food that they brought from Egypt. To  then receive a daily portion of manna (a proteinaceous grain), as well as quail (to satisfy the desire for meat). Or, that Moshe would provide water for the people- from a rock.

Obviously, the Supreme Being demonstrated the ability to use the laws of nature to provide the Jews a release from slavery- and to guide them to their journey to the promised land.

Yet ten of these 12 leaders simply saw all the negatives as they traversed the promised land. Oh, sure, they saw it was a land of milk and honey. A land where grapes grew so large, it took two people to carry the clusters back.

But, they recoiled at the Anakim, ancient giants, that seemed to be in the land. And, remarked on the prowess of the Amalekites and the Canaanites that populated the valley. Proclaiming that the people would not be able to take over the land.

Really? How did they obtain freedom from the Egyptians? How had they managed to cross the sea safely- and realize the demise of the Egyptian cavalry?

The lesson for us is that we, too have seen the power of the Supreme Being. Who wants us to succeed, to partner with Hashem to perfect this world.

Given that help, what excuse do we have for not trying each and every day to make that difference- for ourselves, for our loved ones, for those struggling to survive?

Oh, and another note. One from the additional readings we made this week, this time from the book of Yehoshua (Joshua). Paralleling the Mosaic dispatch of spies to discern the land of Israel, Joshua (who by the way was one of the two spies who said the land was conquerable- the other was Calev; both of whom were the only Jews of that generation alive at Sinai to survive and enter the land of Israel) sent out spies to discern the defenses of Jericho.

The 12 spies found Rachav, a woman of the night, who not only shielded them, but gave them valuable insight as to the defenses and situation of the town- in return for safety during the impending invasion. Because despite the fact that Rachav might have needed a means for sustenance using an occupation we may not like, she proved herself loyal and useful.

As opposed to how Rudy Guiliano, the despicable sycophant (who, IMHO, was clearly overrated when he was mayor of New York, and, to be charitable, may have suffered a loss of mental faculties over the years) would have you act and believe.  Guiliano decried that TheDonald would never take up with Stormy Daniels; after all, TheDonald would only consort with women of substance. (Hmm? A Slovenian model who gets a visa via TheDonald’s contacts? An aspiring actress, with no college, and gets a gig as the Wrestling Timekeeper [yeah, you know, with skimpy outfits and big signs) after she dates [and eventually marries] TheDonald, who, at the time, was still married to Ivana, who herself was nothing but a Czech model with no job until she married TheDonaldOnly after getting a chance, did some of these women prove their innate abilities.) Not to mention those other manifold assertions of “grabbing pussy”, rape, improper advances that are bubbling about- with the accusers waiting their days in court.

The message from our Joshua reading is to reject the (ill-)logic of Guiliani. Instead find allies and cohorts who will stand by your side and work with you, despite their occupation or situation in life.

So, both readings teach us that we need to move forward, make the world a better place, and work with everyone who wants to make a difference- despite their status or class.  Vital lessons!

Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.

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