RU Ready 4 Social Media?

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Infographic on how Social Media are being used...
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OK, we all hear about ‘social media”.  We know it is supposed to be the “cat’s meow” when connecting with customers, professional acquaintances, and businesses, as well as mastering competition.  But, then how do we do it- without screwing it up?

First of all, we don’t have infinite capital.  (Oh, you do?  Then, skip this, you don’t need my meager help.)  So, pick ONE or TWO of the rapidly increasing hordes and study them.  Watch them on the web, see what others and doing and figure out if it works for you.  If you find nothing that suits you, try one more site to monitor.  If you are still not impressed, then social marketing is not for you.  (Maybe, you will find one you like in the future- or will get partners/officers who do like one or two.  But, for now, stay away- you can up doing more harm to your cause than good.)

Now, you can write down your goals and identify your target audience.  You can use a whiteboard that you keep up to date to monitor your progress.

Make sure you comply with the social norms of the sites you have selected.  (You remember learning about social mores in 6th grade, right?) You must fit in with the culture.  Monitor the verbiage and tone- comply with their norms.  You won’t change them- just adhere to theirs.  Understand that these sites are like the water cooler discussions of old- even football (yech!) is discussed on these sites.

If you have partners or key employees, have them join in.  (For example, customer service can truly benefit from monitoring tweets and responding immediately to complaints and kudos.)  Your job is to bring value- intelligence and expertise- to the site.  That will garner adherents.  But, remember, the community are PEOPLE and not PROSPECTS.  This is not a broadcast tool- but a community for discussion, dialogue, and feedback.  Engage on topics of interest to your business.  Provide the value so that you will become a resource.  (Oh, you detected that I consider eMail part of our business community, did you?  Congratulations on your observation- to me for achieving my goal…. And, yes, not all “social media” are social media…)

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5 thoughts on “RU Ready 4 Social Media?”

  1. Thanks Roy for a very unique way of looking at social media and if you are ready for it. I know that over the years I have enjoyed learning (and continue to learn) how much social media is helping others to realize if an online business is truly for them. I still have clients that think, they put a webiste together and then sit and wait for people to come to them. Appreciate your insight and tips. I enjoy your blog!

    1. Lynn Brown I am so glad you enjoyed it, Lynn, and left a comment. And, we all have clients who think a website is a printing press for dollars- wish that it would be true. After all the sites I have made…. Thanks, RAAckerman

  2. Small businesses are very lucky nowadays just because of social media, they don’t need any big capital and yet they can compete with corporations.

    1. Small business still needs to be smarter, Kelli. That’s always been true.
      Big business makes strategy- just like small business does. Big business makes errors- just like small business does.
      The difference is that big business has more commas in the revenue to shield them from these decisions. Small business has to be smarter to level that difference!

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