White Power?????

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You knew I’d break into my queue for this.

New Zealand Terrorist

Another mass murder.  Again, by folks who want you to believe that White Nationalists are not terrorists.  Who, like those folks who manipulate situations so that they can claim they are not anti-Semites, the people use the term Nationalist when they really mean to hide the fact that they are Supremacists.

The only way we are going to stop these folks is to call them what they are.  Racists.  Bigots.  Terrorists.

Any group that wants you to believe that they are only interested in promoting privilege for people with white skins and are not racist are full of ….   It’s clear their goal is to remove anyone (either by sending them somewhere or by murdering them) who doesn’t look like them.

This last escapade, where a white terrorist slaughtered some 50 peaceful Muslims who were praying in buildings that are supposed to be sacred – and hurt many others he failed to murder, effected the deeds in a country where crime is virtually non-existent.

And, let’s explain this act using the verbiage that TheDonald loves to spew- this was an immigrant, not a citizen, who came specifically to kill folks who belonged there.  Yes, this White Terrorist was from Australia, where guns are allowed- and who decided to get rid of “others” by going to New Zealand, where he is simply just an “other”.

Wrapping my head around that is a bit much.

And, let’s get to the real crux of the matter.

When was the last time you ever heard a terrorist claiming that a US President was his hero, that the President provided the impetus to effect such an heinous act?

Oh, yeah.  That word you’re looking for is… never.

But, TheDonald is a hero to this terrorist- and to David Duke, among many other White Supremacists, and plenty of other bigots and racists.  (You do recall that TheDonald averred that the terrorists of Charlottesville were “good people”.)  Because TheDonald continually demonizes Muslims and immigrants.  He claims they are violent, they are criminal, they don’t belong here, they are invaders, and we should fear them.  Even though TheDonald knows that’s not true.

Oh, it gets better.  TheDonald claims that there is no widespread White Supremacist terror network.  Except there is- just like the ones that support Al Qaeda and ISIS.   All these terrorists find ways to spread their hate and vitriol via websites and videos.

TheDonald’s denials explain why we (the USA) share information with other nations (including New Zealand) about ISIS and Al Qaeda, with nary a peep when it comes to White Power proponents.

Let’s recap just a few facts.  In 2011, a White Supremacist killed 77 folks in Norway.  In 2015, a White Supremacist invaded a Charleston, SC church with weapons where he killed 9 folks.  In 2017, a White Supremacist killed 19 in a Canadian mosque.  Of course, we have the race riots in Charlottesville in 2017.  In 2018, a neoNazi injured six folks; his targets were immigrants.  Or, in 2018, when a terrorist was stopped only after he killed two Blacks in Louisville. Let’s not forget the massacre by yet another White Supremacist at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh (also 2018). And, those are just a few instances to ponder.

Please note that I am not attempting to whitewash (pun intended) those very few actions from the middle or the left.  Consider that 39 of the 50 incidents in the US last year were perpetrated by White Supremacists, plus  8 more by other anti-government cliques.

Yup.  It’s the native White Supremacists that are the problem.   Not those folks requesting asylum because they are being raped, killed, or terrorized in their Latin American domiciles, which is the driving force behind their coming to America with their families; they are seeking a land that affords its residents some protection.  They persist, even as they are being blocked from requesting that asylum because TheDonald has closed all the immigration offices.



On a much happier note, my grandson celebrates his 10th birthday today.  May this day bring him joy, peace, and fun.

And, to a much older ‘family’ member.  Happy birthday, Samuel Cwhom I met in A2 more than 44 years ago.  It’s been a pleasure and an honor to be your friend, your ideation and creativity partner.  May you also have the best of days- today and every other day.

Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.And, another aside.  This Wednesday night and Thursday (and for some of us- Friday, too) will bring the holiday of Purim.  Where we celebrate by reading the megila (scroll) of Esther.  Here’s a great new translation and exposition with which to enjoy the holiday.  (You can afford it- it’s under a buck!)

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4 thoughts on “White Power?????”

  1. It is sad and awful that people are killing each other over religion. A lot more kindness and acceptance and education is needed here as ways to prevent this horrible violence. But, when it occurs, it should be called what it is: terrorism.

  2. I somehow ran out of lunch period at work just as I finished this post so my comment is a bit delayed. As much as I fear our President as a man who a white supremist considers his inspiration, I fear his 36% (oops, now 42%) base who eats this stuff up even more – because our world may have changed forever, thanks to them. And they are ready to vote again in 2020. I even fear that, if our President loses in 2020, he will not step aside. And guess who will be ready to support him in such an instance? That “small movement”.

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